Only applications from individuals who meet all of the qualifications stated below will be considered.


1. If you have experienced a sudden and significant loss of income* that affected your ability to pay rent or utilities (water, electricity, natural gas), AND

*A sudden and significant loss of income could be you lost your job in the past 30 days or your hours of work were reduced by at least one half in the past 30 days. Long term unemployment or receiving a fixed income that has not changed is not a sudden and significant loss of income.

2. you are a parent with a child/children age 15 or younger that lives with you (child/children’s names must be on the lease agreement AND

3. you live in 77036, 77042, 77072, 77082, or 77099 AND

4. the amount owed does not exceed $1,000

HOW TO APPLY for rent or utility assistance:

Be sure you meet ALL of the qualifications stated above before printing the application.

  1. PRINT the current financial aid application form found on our website under WHAT WE OFFER, then APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. If you don’t have access to a printer, go to our food pantry during our pantry operating hours to print a copy.

  2. Write a response, in English, to each line item on the application. If you need assistance translating, go to our food pantry during our operating hours for assistance with translating Spanish/English.

  3. Sign and date the application in the spaces provided.

  4. Required documentation - the application contains details of the required documentation.

    • If you are applying for rental or utility assistance, a copy of the lease agreement must be submitted. The names of all residents must be shown on the lease agreement.

    • Proof of child/children’s age(s)

    • If you are applying for rental assistance, a detailed rental account ledger is REQUIRED. No exceptions. If you do not know what a rental account ledger is, contact your leasing office to obtain it. The ledger must contain at least 6 months of activity, if you have lived there for at least 6 months. If you have lived there less than 6 months, the ledger must contain all of the activity since you moved in. The ledger must show a description of the charges, the date and amount of each charge. Applications submitted without the rental account ledger cannot be considered.

    • If you are applying for utility assistance, a current copy of the utility bill must be submitted with your application.

    • Proof of your sudden and significant loss of income must be submitted with your application, along with documentation of your most recent income prior to the loss.

    • A photo ID must be submitted with your application. DO NOT SEND a copy of your Social Security Card or bank statement or any other document that contains personal financial information such as your Social Security number or bank account number.

    • See application for complete details of all documentation that is required to be submitted with the application.

  5. Email the completed application, with all of the required documentation attached to one email, to:

    Financial assistance is limited to one time in a 12 month period. We do not make partial payments. If you owe more than $1,000, DO NOT SUBMIT an application. If you do not meet ALL of the qualifications listed above, DO NOT SUBMIT an application. If you do not have all of the required documentation, DO NOT SUBMIT an application.

    Falsifying information on your application or supporting documentation will result in denial of your request and future requests for assistance will also be denied.

    Due to limited funds, we are unable to approve all qualified submissions. We reserve the right to deny assistance to applicants.

    We suggest you contact 211 and ask for other resources that may be able to assist you.