We are in need of jars of peanut butter and jelly, canned fruit and vegetables and boxes of cereal. If you can help, please bring your donation to House of Amos during our pantry operating hours. Thanks!
We are located at 11169 Beechnut Suite G (southeast corner of Boone and Beechnut)
The House of Amos provides assistance to people in need through emergency food pantry operations, rental assistance and education. Our mission is to prevent hunger and homelessness and improve the lives of immigrants by providing the following services:
Emergency Food Services - Please click on the WHAT WE OFFER tab, then EMERGENCY FOOD PANTRY for information.
Rent and Utility Assistance - handled via email only at an offsite location - Please click on the WHAT WE OFFER tab above, then click on FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE to find specific information regarding our program and the qualifications to apply.
Educational Services (ESL and computer literacy) - email classes@houseofamos.org to inquire about available classes
Basic assistance -
Do you need access to a computer to submit an online job application?
Do you need assistance writing a resume in Microsoft Word?
Do you need help translating English/Spanish?
Do you need help with email?
Do you need to make a copy? (limit of 5 copies)
Do you need to print the Financial Assistance application from our website?
House of Amos has staff available Monday through Wednesday from 10 am to 11 am to assist with basic computer skills and translation from English to Spanish and Spanish to English. Ask for Dianna.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Follow us on Twitter, now X @HouseOfAmosTX
We’re on Facebook

In 2024, the House of Amos
Distribued 25,000 lbs of food and hygiene items to 1,070 families made up of 3.630 individuals.
Taught English as a Second Language to 30 adults
Provided rent and/or utility assistance to help 39 families stay in their home with working utilities
Provided “parent choice” Christmas gifts to 115 children
In addition,
Twenty-seven individual volunteers devoted more than 1,300 hours of their time supporting House of Amos
11169 Beechnut St. Suite G (southeast corner of Beechnut and Boone)
Houston, TX 77072
832 977-1208
Mailing address: P O Box 720779 Houston TX 77272-0779
Contact us at houseofamos@houseofamos.org
If applying for financial assistance, submit your application to assistance@houseofamos.org
Monday - Thursday 9 am to 12 Noon *
Saturday 10 am to 12 Noon*
*We begin serving our last food client at 11:45 am
This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider